Western Dental Kids

1200 Saviers Rd Oxnard, CA 93033

About Western Dental Kids

    At our Western Dental Kids office near you at 1200 Saviers Rd, we specialize in children's dentistry and orthodontics and provide comprehensive care for infants, toddlers, children and teens. Our specialized team of pediatric dentists and orthodontists provide quality, affordable dental and orthodontic care in a fun kid-friendly environment. Initial exams and regular checkups, preventative care like fluoride treatments and tooth sealants, routine cleanings, and fillings will insure your child maintains a beautiful, healthy smile. We also welcome walk-ins, offer evening and weekend appointments, and accept a variety of dental plans including Denti-Cal (Medi-Cal Dental).FREE exams and x-rays for new patients.

    Western Dental Kids

    Our Address

    1200 Saviers Rd Oxnard, CA 93033

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