Cheryl Goldasich, DDS

3610 Lomita Blvd #203, Torrance, CA 90505, United States

About Cheryl Goldasich, DDS

    Our mission is to provide the highest quality preventive, reconstructive, and aesthetic dentistry possible in Torrance California. We will do this in a timely manner and in an environment that is both comfortable and caring. We will continuously expand our knowledge and improve our skills in General and Cosmetic Dentistry so that we can offer our patients state of the art treatments. Because we enjoy what we do, we take pride in donating our services to where possible in the community to improve the lives of others. We are always striving for fulfillment from our professional and personal lives, so that we may enjoy success and have fun.

    Cheryl Goldasich, DDS

    Our Address

    3610 Lomita Blvd #203, Torrance, CA 90505, United States

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