Arthur H. Fass, DPM INC

18350 Roscoe Blvd, Reseda, CA 91325, United States

About Arthur H. Fass, DPM INC

    Since 1980, Dr Arthur Fass has been working with patients to provide the best podiatric care for patients in the San Fernando Valley. Dr. Fass' experience in podiatric medicine is coupled with genuine concern for his patients. All our staff is dedicated to your comfort and prompt attention as well. Our goal is to help you maintain healthy feet. We are experiencing an increase in the number of foot injuries in our society due to an increased awareness of the benefits of exercise, an increase in excessive body weight, and prolonged life expectancy. There is also a rise in the incidence of diabetes with associated foot problems. Common conditions such plantar fasciitis, bunions, neuromas, tendonitis and toenail disease can be effectively treated.

    Arthur H. Fass, DPM INC

    Our Address

    18350 Roscoe Blvd, Reseda, CA 91325, United States

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